During the first Covid-19 lockdown in spring and summer of 2020, I drew and sent personalised colouring sheets for kids based on their favourite things. These were totally free (or for a donation to the Trussel Trust if people asked to pay) and were either emailed or printed and posted if the family didn't have a printer. The response was amazing and I completed over 300, below is a small selection.

Hi, my name is Katy.

I am a freelance illustrator with over 10 years experience, living and working in South-East London. I draw all of my work by hand, either in intricate monochrome, or layers that I build up with bold colours and a library of unique handmade textures. I love to work with travel and landscape images, wildlife and beautiful objects.

Previous clients include:

Quadrille Publishing, The V&A Museum of Childhood, University of Bristol, Lake District Estates, Carlton Publishing, Harper Collins, The Somerset Toiletry Company, Bermondsey Street Bees, Cath Tate Cards, Tebay and Gloucester Services